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Rising prices? Not here!

We know people are concerned about the economy lately, especially with COVID-19 still around. That's why we have decided to do an across-the-board price reduction. That's right, everything we have listed is now cheaper! This isn't a limited promotion, either. These are the prices.

If that's not enough, we have also started distributing coupons in our shipped packages, and for watchers on eBay. Look for the coupons either on the back of the packing slip, or in your email. Now the coupons ARE for a limited time, so if you like anything you see on the site, get it while you can.

A couple of limitations on the coupons:
1) They are, as stated, for a limited time only (about two weeks).
2) They are for your next purchase of the same type of item you ordered, or on the specific item you are watching.
3) We are not giving coupons for certain types of items (for example, cards). Our margins on these items are just too small to afford it.

We hope you enjoy these methods of saving you money.

As usual, if you have any questions or comments about this, please feel free to contact us.



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