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Rest in Peace, Richard Briggs, co-founder of Bookwyrm's Backshelf

On November 28,2023, our co-founder, my best friend and housemate Richard Briggs passed away after a brief illness. He was the driving force behind this operation. As a result, I have decided to suspend all sales operations indefinately.
I want to give a great big thanks to our regular customers. You were the biggest reason to keep going. The stories and kindness you shared with us will always be remembered.
I may at some point begin limited selling operations again, but on a scaled-back basis. There is too much other stuff to do right now.


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davidGof on :

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RobertGof on :

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NickGof on :

Thank you after sharing this!

It’s ever interesting to see different perspectives on this topic.
I rate the stab and charge rest into this list inform – it provides valuable insights and definitely gives me something to think about.
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JohnGof on :

Say thank you you an eye to sharing this!

It’s always attractive to see different perspectives on this topic.
I appreciate the creation and fine points spell out into this list inform – it provides valuable insights and definitely gives me something to intend about.
Looking forward to more felicity like this!
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davidGof on :

Thank you for sharing this!

It’s ever attractive to espy different perspectives on this topic.
I esteem the creation and detail put into this notify – it provides valuable insights and definitely gives me something to ponder about.
Looking head to more content like this!
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Brianfleby on :


JohnGof on :

Thank you an eye to sharing this!

It’s always inviting to see unalike perspectives on this topic.
I appreciate the effort and charge spell out into this notify – it provides valuable insights and for all gives me something to think about.
Looking head to more felicity like this!
Apprehend also -

ThomWap on :

Подготовка участка включает в себя несколько важных шагов. Сначала необходимо очистить территорию от ненужного мусора и старых деревьев. Затем необходимо установить ограждения, чтобы обозначить границы своего участка. Убедитесь, что на участке достаточно пространства для будущих сооружений, а также для размещения строительных материалов и техники. Строительные работы являются наиболее значительной частью всего процесса. Этот этап включает в себя возведение фундамента, стен, перекрытий и крыши. Каждая из этих задач требует внимательности и профессионального подхода.

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