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Shipping Costs and Free Shipping, Redux

Hi, everybody.

It seems people have reacted pretty strongly to the recent shipping price increases we made. OK, we hear you. It sucks when things get more expensive. Unfortunately, some of this we have no control over. The Post Office raised its prices on us, so we had no choice but to raise ours. Now, it's not just the price that the Post Office charges. We have to pay for our envelopes, tape, and other shipping supplies, as well as the fees the listing and payment websites charge us.

That said, we are trying some methods to make shipping easier and cheaper. First, we have started to implement free shipping on certain items. It looks like a standard practice for certain categories of items, so we're going with the crowd here.

Second, we are looking to rejigger our shipping prices, to make it cheaper. We will analyze our sales, and see what we can do to shave some off of our fees. We don't know specifics, because we haven't done that analysis yet. Just know that we are trying our best to make things easier for you, our customers.

If you have any suggestions on how we can do this, please let us know.


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