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How we're doing during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you a quick update on how we're doing during the Coronavirus crisis.
As of this writing, we are all OK. No symptoms. Our area has been locked down for several days now. Other than a shortage of paper products, we are holding out well. Fortunately, we work from home, so our operations are mostly unaffected. If you have any specific questions or concerns about items you've ordered, or other topics, feel free to contact us.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who are ill, or those whose lives have been disrupted by this horrible outbreak. We wish you the best of luck, and hope you recover soon.
There is a ton of bad information and misinformation out there. Be careful! Here are a few links to reputable sites, for informational purposes only:
Mayo Clinic Coronavirus page
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus page
World Health Organization Coronavirus page


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